Today we take some time to highlight one of our fantastic clinical instructors, Dr. David Ward.
A Rhode Island native, Dr. Ward is proud to have followed in his father’s footsteps, and has practiced in Woonsocket, RI for twenty-two years. He graduated with honors from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. His practice focus is cosmetic dentistry and implantology. Combining these passions, he creates beautiful smiles.
Dr. Ward is a proud member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and is Treasurer of The New England Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, The American Dental Association, The American Academy of Implant Dentistry and The International Conference of Oral Implantologists. He is an Associate Fellow in the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and a Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologist. Dr. Ward is a Fellow of Pierre Fauchard Academy.
He has received commendation from The Rhode Island Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped for his work with disabled and elderly citizens and lectures locally.
Academic Affiliations
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
New England Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
American Dental Association
American Academy of Implant Dentistry
International Conference of Oral Implantology
American Academy of Implant Dentistry—Fellow
International Congress of Oral Implantologists—Fellow
Aesthetic Advantage has state of the art educational facilities that can help you take your career to the next level, call us at (212) 794.3552 for more information.
Aesthetic Advantage proudly serves New York, Atlanta, Florida, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Boston, Rhode Island, California, South Carolina and all surrounding areas.
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